The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Consultation on Charity Digital Code of Practice now open

Melanie May | 4 July 2018 | News

A consultation on the first Charity Digital Code of Practice has opened, with charities invited to give their views until 25 September.
The draft Code has been developed by The Charity Digital Code of Practice Steering Group following user research and testing with more than 30 organisations across the UK. The Code was first announced in March, and is expected to launch this November. It is being funded by the Lloyds Banking Group, and Co-op Foundation.

The aim of the Code is to make digital more accessible to charities of all sizes, helping them develop their skills and increase their take up of digital activity. It will also aim to create a level playing field for all organisations and to make charities more accessible for beneficiaries, as well as to create new opportunities for funders to engage with digital, and enhance collaboration across the sector.
It will include best practice guidelines and will be free to access with versions for small as well as large organisations.
The consultation opened on 3 July and runs until 25 September, with charities invited to take part via the Charity Digital Code site, and to also feed back through the hashtag #charitydigitalcode on social media.
The steering group has been chaired by Zoe Amar, founder of Zoe Amar Digital, with representatives from organisations including ACEVO, The Small Charities Coalition, the NCVO, Office for Civil Society, CAST, Tech Trust, and the Charity Commission.  Amar has also written a blog on how the Code will help organisations, on Charity Comms, one of the Code’s official champions:



