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Invisible Grantmakers 2018 published

Howard Lake | 7 June 2018 | News

The latest edition of Invisible Grantmakers has been published, offering a new resource for trust fundraisers and prospect researchers.
Social Partnership Marketing LLP has published the 21st edition of the annual specialist trust publication. The ‘invisible’ element indicates that it features grantmaking trusts “not listed in the most widely used trust directories”, according to its editor Robert Pike.
Invisible Grantmakers 2018 details 100 trusts, collectively worth over £2 billion, that are distributing funds to a wide range of charitable causes.
Pike explained: “Many fundraisers assume that the classic directories give a comprehensive account of all grant givers, but this is far from being the case, which is why Invisible Grantmakers reports have since 1998 reported on over 2,000 unlisted trusts. These might be relatively new trusts, or older ones that have only recently become financially active or that have changed their objects for operational reasons. All of the trusts are listed on the Charity Commission Register.”
Invisible Grantmakers is compiled primarily as an aid to charities, fundraisers and researchers that are already actively raising grants from trusts and foundations, and is not for charities hoping to raise funds quickly and easily.
“Trust fundraising is a skilled activity requiring considerable patience, discernment and attention to detail,” added Pike, “The fundraisers are the ones who have to do the difficult part – we are simply trying to help them by providing practically useful information.”
Print copies of the limited-edition report cost £126. PDF copies are also available.



