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Whale and Dolphin Conservation launch gaming appeal with GivePenny

Melanie May | 30 May 2017 | News

Whale and Dolphin Conservation, has partnered with GivePenny, SEGA, Relic Entertainment, and Twitch to launch its first ever gaming focused appeal, the Gamers for Orcas Challenge.
The Gamers for Orcas Challenge will enable gamers to raise funds through GivePenny’s integration with gaming community Twitch, which gives its users the opportunity to stream to more than 9.7 million viewers per day.
Participants can launch themed fundraising pages configured by the charity fundraising team, which are then connected to the gamer’s Twitch account to enable them to stream their gaming broadcast.
Fundraisers can then encourage donations throughout their stream, such as in return for completing in-game challenges or forfeits, or for every hour streamed. Every Gamers for Orcas fundraising page is linked to a central event page on GivePenny, which celebrates the efforts of everyone involved, including the amount of money pledged, donations processed, hours streamed, YouTube content and leaderboards.
As part of the official launch of Gamers for Orcas, Whale and Dolphin Conservation are hosting their own 24-hour gaming stream on Saturday 9th June from 4:00pm at the GivePenny event page. The broadcast will be supported by guest streamers and partners from the gaming community, including Sega, Relic Entertainment and Twitch.
Stine Bang at Whale and Dolphin Conservation, said:

“We are very excited to be launching our first Gamers for Orcas Challenge; an event for anyone who loves games and gaming. We’d love people to get involved by setting up a GivePenny page to run their own gaming marathon.”

Lee Clark, founder and CEO at GivePenny, said:


“We can already see that millennials demand more from the brands they interact with through apps, websites and wearable technology. Online giving is changing and in the very near future, providing a closely connected, dynamic and engaging fundraising experience online will mean so much more to charitable giving than continually encouraging supporters to launch comparatively flat fundraising pages that just process one-off donations and help you share a link on social media.”


