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Alternative to Black Friday launches with opportunities for charity participation

Charities are invited to join a new event for March: A Good Weekend, which offers people opportunities to take part in activities, events and experiences for free, or for lower than usual prices.
Created by ex-creative director of Comic Relief Chris Ward, A Good Weekend takes place from Friday 17th – Monday 21st March, coinciding with the UN International Day of Happiness on the 20th. It is being launched as an alternative to Black Friday by providing people around the country with opportunities to spend time rather than money, try new things, and meet more people.
Charities are encouraged to join in as official hosts by offering activities such as volunteering, health and wellbeing activities, and places in running or cycling events on the weekend itself or to have a special promotion promoted through the weekend with the activity taking place at a later date. All opportunities will be promoted on A Good Weekend’s website.
Businesses and organisations signed up so far include British Cycling, SkiWorld, Hochillee, Freeformers, Escape The City, Human Race, The Good Life Festival and Eurogamer.
The event is running in the UK this year ahead of a global launch in 2018, with the objective of it becoming an annual four-day event celebrating the UN International Day Of Happiness and the United Nations’ work through Global Goals number 3, which focuses on health and wellbeing.
Chris Ward said:

“I created A Good Weekend to make it easier and cheaper for everyone to try out something they might enjoy and hopefully along the way to meet likeminded people and make new friends.”
“It’s an opportunity for any organisation that offers activities – charity treks, runs and volunteering for instance, to publicise those and encourage the maximum amount of participants – to enjoy A Good Weekend”



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