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GOOD Agency staff to donate their skills to mark #GivingTuesday

GOOD Agency will donate “its best and brightest brains” to one charity or business for one day to mark #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving and supporting good causes.
The fifth annual #GivingTuesday takes place this year on 29 November, and that is the day on which the winning applicant will be announced.
The agency is asking Giving Tuesday’s Charity and Business partners to get in touch with a challenge they are have difficulty cracking. (You can register as a partner now to be eligible for this offer).
Reuben Turner, Creative Director of GOOD Agency explained:

“Is your company struggling to engage staff in your CSR, social purpose or charity initiatives? Are your fundraising or comms in a rut? Then let us help you find the answer.”

Share your challenge with the team by emailing GOOD Agency. The deadline for applications is 25 November.
The agency will pick the winning charity a charity and business winner on #GivingTuesday and announce it via Twitter.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Auction for refugee film

GOOD Agency will also be marking Giving Tuesday by holding an auction amongst staff to fundraise for a short documentary ‘Hungry for Dignity’ which will humanise refugees in Dunkirk through food and the work of Refugee Community Kitchen.


