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Free statistical advice available for charities from government statisticians

Howard Lake | 30 September 2015 | News

The Government Statistical Service (GSS) is again partnering again with NCVO to offer its Voluntary Sector Placement Scheme. This matches voluntary sector organisations required statistical advice and support with government statisticians, who will provide up to five days of pro bono work.
Last year the placement scheme benefited 40 voluntary sector organisations. NCVO has blogged about the benefits to two of them, the Foundation for Social Improvement and Healthwatch Central West London.
Statisticians can help charities in a range of ways, such as assessing skills gaps, improving data gathering and presentation processes and techniques, designing and analysing surveys, advising on the storage and handling of large datasets, and helping interpret charities’ data more effectively.
Charities receive the services of one or two analysts, with placements lasting from half a day up to five days.
This kind of expert support can help charities decide where to direct their resources or where to focus their research.
The Voluntary Sector Placement Scheme is open to all voluntary organisations. They do not have to be a member of NCVO in order to apply. Applications close on 23 October 2015.
Image: data analytics by Hilch on

