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Care UK Wellbeing Foundation offers grants for community arts projects

Howard Lake | 16 March 2015 | News

Care UK’s Wellbeing Foundation, launched last year, is this year offering £100,000 in grants to promote wellbeing through the arts. The foundation makes additional grants from the £25,000 it receives via en employee matched funding programme.
The grantmaker was set up to support good causes in communities where the organisation offers health and social care services to local people.
This year, having made a large grant to Nordoff Robbins, its charity of the year, the foundation is offering grants of up to £2,000 per charity.

Criteria for grant making in 2015

Mezzo Soprano Laura Wright, ambassador for music therapy charity Nordoff Robins.

Mezzo Soprano Laura Wright, ambassador for music therapy charity Nordoff Robins, at the launch of Care UK’s wellbeing foundation. The charity received a £50,000 grant to help run music sessions across the country.

Care UK wants nominated charities to be geographically close to one of its services and involved in the arts – drama, music, art, crafts, poetry or dance.
They need to be “small and local”. They will also need to supply evidence of what they have already accomplished in the arts and wellbeing field, as well as clear statements about how the money, if awarded, would be used.
Applicants to the Care UK Wellbeing Foundation do not necessarily have to be nominated by a member of the organisation’s workforce although all colleagues have been asked to encourage suitable local charities to put themselves forward.
Care UK serves 19 million people across England, Scotland and parts of Wales, mainly through its partnerships with the NHS and social care contracts with local authorities.



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