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Sight charities partner to invest nearly £160k in research projects

Howard Lake | 1 November 2013 | News

Fight for Sight has joined with nine other charities to invest nearly £160,000 in 11 new eye research projects.
Its partner charities are Birdshot Uveitis Society, British Thyroid Foundation, Childhood Eye Cancer Trust, International Glaucoma Association, Nystagmus Network, Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis UK, RP Fighting Blindness, Thyroid Eye Disease and Uveitis Information Group Scotland.
The research will take place at universities and hospitals across the UK, including Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Birmingham, Southend University Hospital, Cardiff University, University of Manchester and University of Liverpool.
It will investigate giant cell arteritis, thyroid eye disease, nystagmus, birdshot chorioretinopathy, retinoblastoma, uveitis, glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa.

£200,000 also awarded

Fight for Sight has also awarded over £200,000 to 13 other projects addressing various eye diseases and conditions.
Dr Dolores Conroy, Director of Research at Fight for Sight, said: “Last year we joined up with six other charities to combine expertise and identify novel research projects bringing hope to the millions of people currently living with visual impairment.
“This year we’ve expanded and worked with nine different charities and together we have funded 11 new projects. In addition Fight for Sight has funded 13 new research projects, so we are delighted to be involved with key eye research across the country.”
Photo: eye by Phatic Photography on


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