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Blackbaud introduces The Raiser's Edge Health Check consultancy service

Howard Lake | 8 August 2011 | News

Blackbaud Europe Ltd has created a consultancy service that aims to help charities get the most out of its fundraising and CRM system The Raiser’s Edge®.
The Raiser’s Edge Health Check is designed to identify critical issues that will help charities optimise their usage of the system and comply with best practice. The consultancy’s report includes recommendations that cover data cleanup, data hygiene and system configuration improvements. It will also suggest new and complementary business processes for greater efficiencies and results. The report covers both current and potential usage of The Raiser’s Edge.
Azadi Sheridan, Blackbaud professional services practice manager, said: “Many of our clients have successfully been using The Raiser’s Edge, growing their ambitions and strategies at the same time as Blackbaud has been developing and broadening the system’s capabilities. It’s crucial that we empower our clients in their usage. We want to help them apply The Raiser’s Edge capabilities as effectively and efficiently as possible to realise its true value, and ultimately to achieve more for their organisations.”
The Health Check consists of a two or four day analysis in which a Blackbaud consultant works with the client’s user teams across the organisation to review current operational processes and to uncover where areas of The Raiser’s Edge system may not be used to full advantage.
International aid charity, Magen David Adom UK (the British arm of the Israeli Red Cross) has participated in The Raiser’s Edge Health Check. Daniel Burger, deputy chief executive, said: “The Raiser’s Edge Health Check gave us a fresh pair of eyes, a professional and experienced consultant who was able to look from the outside in with both practical and strategic vision. The resulting report has identified areas in our fundraising process where we can immediately improve and tighten up.”

