Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Using Facebook notes effectively

If you want to see an effective Facebook activity join this particular place now! Greenpeace is inviting their supporters, and really anyone on Facebook, to support their campaign “Unfriend Coal” – brilliant action to stop Facebook from using coal energy and push them towards renewable energy instead. I am fascinated by the creativity and great understanding of social media mechanics Greenpeace is presenting in this particular action. It’s simple, it takes really only few seconds, but effect on each participant, organisers and the target brand might be crucial. I love the fact the description is in various languages (which proves the organisation was well prepared and open to multiple audiences). I like the simple set of instructions:

“Follow these steps:

1. To comment on this post you must first ‘Like’ the page


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

2. Leave comments support of renewable energy

3. “@nametag” 10 friends in your comment to invite them to join the world record attempt

4. Repeat! You can comment more than once – it is still counted in the record attempt! (After 30 in 3 hours you might get blocked from this page – so be careful!)

5. Share this note on the profile to spread the word among your friends!”

I also like the fact that Greenpeace team understand the major challenge in encouragement to post – content – and responds to it in advance:

* What should I write? ANY comments will count (e.g. “Go Greenpeace”) but we’re here for a purpose: We want Facebook to run their MASSIVE data-centres on renewable energy, and ‘Unfriend’ the dirty coal and dangerous nuclear that they’ve chosen. Leave a message for Facebook staff, or say why you love renewable energy – we are displaying your comments today directly outside FB headquarters in California! Ask questions! Give opinions!”

On the top of that there is also additional encouragement:

“The best 50 commenters worldwide will get fabulous ‘Facebook Unfriend Coal t-shirts! We’ll judge the best commenters by the number of comments they make (duplicate comments are allowed), the number of friends they tag, and the quality of the comments!”

And link to places on-line for more information, context and follow up:

“More campaign info at

100% renewable energy is possible. Check out our Energy [R]evolution scenario

Brilliant! One to learn from!;) (and one to join, of course!)


