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First Quality Conference by Third Sector's CES and Local Government

Howard Lake | 22 June 2009 | News

First Quality Conference by Third Sector’s CES and Local Government

While not-for-profit organisations are seeing an increase in the demand for services, yet a reduction in resources, there has never been a more important time to focus on quality. To address this, Charities Evaluation Services has teamed up with IDeA – the first time that the third sector and local government have joined forces – to deliver the 2009 National Quality

Demonstrating Quality in Challenging Times will take place on


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Thursday 25 June 2009
CBI Conference Centre
New Oxford Street
London, WC1A 1DU

Quality systems guide improvements internally and can help to win support externally. As the economy moves through recession, potential supporters will be even more determined to channel their investment where it will do most good. Demonstrating Quality in Challenging Times will explore how Government and the regulator see the crucial issues; reveal what commissioners and funders really want; examine how quality and outcomes work together; and look at the latest on accreditation for PQASSO – the
brand new award-winning Quality Mark.

For more information or to request a press pass to the conference, please contact: Christina Cullen on 07985 440 238 or email:

