Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Wootton George Consulting offers free advice on surviving recession

Howard Lake | 12 January 2009 | News

Strategy and fundraising consultancy Wootton George Consulting has published free advice for charities on how to survive the recession.
The 19-page report is available at no charge to charities. It gives an update on how charities are already being affected by recession and provides advice on strategies for survival.
Author of the report Gill Wootton said: “As with businesses, it is likely that some weaker charities and those that have not prepared for hard times may collapse as a result of the recession.
“Those that survive will be ones that take a strategic approach, review their opportunities and are prepared to adapt to changing times. Charities owe it to their beneficiaries to review their plans to ensure they continue to prosper”.
The document covers a range of the key sources of income for charities, such as legacies, membership, trading, corporate, and big gift, with commentary on what steps charities are taking and can take.
Charities can request a free copy of ‘Fundraising in Recession: How charities can survive the credit crunch’ by emailing



