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Charity Commission updates its governance guide

The Charity Commission has published an updated version of its guide to effective governance, ‘The Hallmarks of an Effective Charity’. The publication clarifies the key principles that form the ‘Hallmarks’ of a well-run charity.
The Commission says that the Hallmarks have been developed to be used by any charity to raise its standards and improve its effectiveness.
The six Hallmarks of an effective charity are:
* Hallmark 1 – Clear about purposes and direction: using its purposes, mission and values to direct all aspects of its work
* Hallmark 2 – A strong board; having the right balance of skills and experience and clarity about its responsibilities and the interests of its beneficiaries
* Hallmark 3 – Fit for purpose; having structures, policies and procedures in place to enable it to achieve its purposes
* Hallmark 4 – Learning and improving; always assessing performance to improve its performance and to inform planning and future direction
* Hallmark 5 – Financially sound and prudent; controlling and using financial and other resources to deliver its purposes
* Hallmark 6 – Accountable and transparent, accounting to all those with an interest in it in a transparent and understandable way.
The Hallmarks of an effective charity(CC10) can be downloaded from the Charity Commission’s website.

