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Primark and The Garfield Weston Foundation

Howard Lake | 23 June 2008 | Blogs

Primark (www.primark.co.uk) is due to feature in a BBC documentary later today (Monday 23rd June 2008). The company stands accused of using child labour in the production of some of the clothes that shoppers in the UK are able to buy so cheaply. As Primark acts against suppliers found to be using child labour, the families relying on those wages are placed in an even more difficult position. What should Primark do – sack the suppliers or try to get them to improve their practice?
Primark is part of Associated British Foods plc (ABF – www.abf.co.uk). The Garfield Weston Foundation (www.garfieldweston.org) is a major shareholder in Wittington Investments Limited, ABF’s ultimate holding company, and is also a major grant-making trust.
How far does a fundraiser go in checking out the ethics of potential funders? Is anyone thinking of avoiding The Garfield Weston Foundation?

