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Fundraising overseas – a new trend has emerged

Howard Lake | 27 May 2008 | Blogs

My consultancy, the International Fundraising Consultancy (IFC) has always helped charities to open up new income streams overseas, but recent requests have shown a trend towards UK organisations seeing themselves as ‘global from the word go’. It seems logical for NGOs to open up partnerships, or branches and even offices overseas as routes to deliver their assistance; but now they appear more fully aware that effective fundraising can take place in any country and that this resally helps to give, that much sought after, long-term sustainability. Indeed, where else would it come from?
For years, I have had requests to look at India, Brazil and North America, but more recently Eastern Europe, South America and points east of India are cited as areas where organisations are intending to give assistance; and are also keen to raise local funds.
Having seen the problems of trying to graft fundraising onto local branches, once they are used to receiving complete central funding, I find this attitude refreshing. It also, however, gives a measure of independence which is sometimes not welcome back at HQ.
Classically Plan International used to divide the world into countries it raised funds in and countries it spent funds in – no more.
As a consultant, that trend is very welcome and I’m now well stocked up with sun tan oil and spare Ray-bans…

