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Survey will shape philanthropy policy

Howard Lake | 16 May 2008 | News

The Forum on Philanthropy is currently undertaking a piece of work to estimate the level of philanthropic giving in Ireland. This work will be used to assess the advancement of philanthropy in Ireland, and may also be used to inform the development of policy on philanthropy and possible interventions by Government and / or the private philanthropic sector.
The Forum on Philanthropy was established by the Government at the end of 2006 in order to promote a philanthropic culture and an encouraging environment for philanthropy in Ireland. The Forum is chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of the Taoiseach and includes representatives from the Department of Finance and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Philanthropy Ireland and a number of other philanthropic organisations.
The umbrella group, the Wheel, is supportive of this piece of work, which is being led by Philanthropy Ireland with the assistance of Prospectus Consultants, and as such we would appreciate your assistance in completing the short questionnaire.
This survey has been developed and will be analysed by Prospectus Consultants. All responses will be completely anonymous, except where an organisation chooses to reveal their identity. Survey outcomes and analysis will be presented on an aggregate basis.

