Guide Dogs launches donor publication

Howard Lake | 15 May 2008 | News

Giving magazine from Guide Dogs

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association has started publishing ‘giving’, a bi-annual publication that the charity plans will enhance relations with its donors.
‘Giving’, which will provide behind the scenes information about the charity and encourage further support, has been developed by direct-to-digital marketing agency TDA as part of Guide Dogs’ ongoing direct marketing strategy. The purpose of the magazine is to involve and engage supporters by telling them more about topics such as puppy training and guide dog walking by volunteers.
“This publication is an ideal platform from which to introduce existing supporters to new ways of giving, whether it’s through sponsoring a puppy or pledging a legacy,” said Jamie Taylor, Senior Account Director at TDA. “We are currently exploring various online and offline donor relations activity and we are sure that ‘giving’ will resonate well with donors.”

