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Shortlist announced for $1 million Alcan Prize for Sustainability

Howard Lake | 27 September 2007 | News

Alcan and International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) have announced the shortlist of candidates for the $1 million Alcan Prize for Sustainability for 2007. From 155 entries from 53 countries 10 organisations have been selected.

The shortlist will now be evaluated by the international Adjudication Panel of sustainability experts.

Dick Evans, President and CEO of Alcan Inc, said that this was the most geographically diverse shortlist seen since the prize was created in 2004.


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Alcan created the Alcan Prize for Sustainability to recognize outstanding contributions to the goal of economic, environmental, and social sustainability by not-for-profit, non-governmental, and civil society organizations around the world.

The shortlist includes one UK charity, FARM-Africa, together with organisations in Nicaragua, Bangladesh, India, USA, China, and Sweden.

This is the first year where all shortlisted organisations will receive Alcan Training Grants. These $15,000 grants will provide the opportunity for a senior representative of each organisation to choose from a range of training opportunities including the chance to earn a post-graduate certificate in Cross Sector Partnerships from the University of Cambridge.

