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Jigsaw School wins buy.at's £500 prize draw

Howard Lake | 3 March 2007 | News

The Jigsaw School in Surrey has won the £500 prize in online affiliate marketing site buy.at’s Christmas competition.

In the run-up to Christmas 2006 buy.at offered its 6,000 or so fundraisers the chance to raise even more by adding 25p for every purchase made through their webshop. As part of this incentive all participants were put in to a prize draw.

The Jigsaw School had been working with buy.at since 2005 when they registered for a new webshop. The webshop generates commission for the school on each purchase made at high street retailers such as John Lewis, Tesco and Marks and Spencer. The school has raised over £1,100 in just over 18 months.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The prize award will be used to pay for IT equipment at the independent day-school for children with autistic spectrum disorders.

To boost awareness of the webshop and so increase their earnings, Rachel Turnbell, Head of Fundraising, sends Jigsaw’s supporters an email every week with the latest offers from over 100 retailers involved in the initiative, including Waterstone’s, HMV and Early Learning Centre.

