Effective analytics could boost web potential for fundraising, argues Jason Potts

Howard Lake | 16 November 2006 | News

Charity web marketing expert Jason Potts of THINK Consulting Solutions believes that charities could achieve much more online through effective use of analytical measures. He will be sharing his thoughts at “Effective web analytics”, an evening event from the Analysis in Fundraising Special Interest Group of the Institute of Fundraising on 28 November.

Potts will present what he believes are the “the ‘must have”analytical measures for a charity’s web site.

He explains: “This presentation will be the first time that the subject of how the whole website relates to revenue generation has been tackled; not just fundraising but how the whole site can maximise potential income.


“For instance, what style of home page would attract more engagement? What are the most effective ways for people to navigate your site? All these factors affect whether someone will actually give to you online; it’s not just where you have the donate button.”

He says that he knows of one charity which achieves only 150 direct debit donations for every 3,000 visits to its direct debit page. “So rather than thinking about more banner adverts and other drivers, charities in this position should be trying to improve their conversion rates, which is where web analytics as a measurement device comes in.”

F,ollowing Jason’s presentation a panel of digital marketing experts in IT, analysis, marketing and fundraising will discuss the latest techniques and thinking. These include:

– Bertie Bosredon, Head of New Media at Breast Cancer Care

– Matt Trimmer, Principal Consultant and MD of ivantage Ltd who has worked on leading Internet ventures with Google, Argos, Sony, IBM and many more.

– Lisa Williamott, Marketing Data Analyst, Friends of the Earth

– Stuart McCoy, Database Marketing Analyst, Help the Aged

Roger Lawson, Director of Strategy & Planning at Cascaid, said: “We have designed this meeting to offer practical and valuable learnings for anyone in non-profit marketing who is concerned about getting the most from their digital marketing investment. It’s an opportunity not to be missed to access some of the best knowledge in this field in a relaxed and informal setting where fundraisers of all levels can gain.”

“Effective web analytics” takes place on 28 November 2006 from 17.00 – 19.30 at Cancer Research UK’s offices at 44 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London.

Tickets cost £10 for Institute of Fundraising members, £15 non-members, payable in advance.

