Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Graham Oakes helps Oxfam drive its e-commerce

Howard Lake | 15 October 2006 | News

Oxfam has appointed technology and management consultancy Graham Oakes Ltd to help strengthen its online presence, in particular its site.

Graham Oakes Ltd has advised Oxfam on selecting online commerce systems to power sites such as by Oxfam Unwrapped, the successful beneficiary gift site that sells unusual (or ‘funusual’ as Oxfam’s marketing puts it) gifts such as goats, camels and donkeys.

Graham Oakes Ltd has helped Oxfam select systems which will extend the functionality of Unwrapped while providing the necessary reliability. These systems will also enable Oxfam’s 700+ high street stores to expand their online presence, for example allowing them to auction valuable items online.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

This year’s catalogue includes the ability to make corporate donations.

Andrew Hatton, Project Manager at Oxfam said: “Everyone in the project team felt that Graham’s input added real value. He was able to advise not just on technology but also on areas of business strategy, and he communicates in a way that both technical and business people can understand, helping cross the traditional divide between these two areas.”

