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New award for innovative fundraising for Scope fundraisers

Howard Lake | 5 July 2006 | News

New Way sign in blue on a blue background, Pembroke. Photo: Howard Lake
New Way. Photo: Howard Lake

Disability charity Scope is aiming to encourage creative and innovative fundraising campaigns amongst its staff by launching a new award in memory of a Scope supporter.

The ‘Tom Crocker Award’ is designed to motivate, inspire and acknowledge those who have been creative and successful in their fundraising activities. Scope also hopes that it will offer an incentive to its fundarisers to demonstrate their commitment to learning and development in their areas of expertise.

Tom Crocker was a Scope supporter who died in May 2006. Louise Jagger, Assistant Director of Fundraising at Scope, said: “Launching the Tom Crocker Award is an honour for Scope. Our teams have a real challenge on their hands, just one year to put into practise dazzling ideas that could see them attending the 2007 International Fundraising Convention in Amsterdam and being the first name to be award this prestigious title.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

“Although Scope is an organisation full of ideas, we hope this award will spur people on to work smarter and more creatively, strengthening our image, reputation and making us stand out from the crowd.

Sandy Collington, Tom’s mother, a Scope Trustee and Vice Chair, said: “Tom had a passion for life and Scope, not letting anything, including his disability, stand in the way of his success.

“We want Tom’s love for life to live on and are delighted to see the launch of this award. I am looking forward to seeing the ideas generated by Scope’s fundraisers and presenting the first award next year.”

