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Yellow Pages schools recycling scheme raises £196,000 for Woodland Trust

Howard Lake | 13 June 2006 | News

More than 1.3 million young people across the UK have helped to raise enough money to plant the equivalent of 12.2 hectares of new woodland in the UK.

The schoolchildren have been collecting old Yellow Pages directories for recycling and competing for cash prizes in the Yellow Woods Challenge, the schools environmental competition run by Yellow Pages, working with the Woodland Trust and local authorities across the UK.

For every pound Yellow Pages has awarded to schools since the campaign began in 2002, a matching pound has been given to the Woodland Trust.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The Yellow Woods Challenge was launched in September 2002 and is an annual schools competition. The campaign aims to recycle old Yellow Pages directories and save landfill; educate children about the environment and support the Woodland Trust’s “Tree For All” tree planting campaign. By the end of the 2006 Challenge, Yellow Pages will have awarded around £224,000 to schools with £224,000 match funding for the Woodland Trust.

