Institute to develop new code for fundraising consultants

Howard Lake | 18 September 2005 | News

The Institute of Fundraising is to develop a new Code of Fundraising Practice, outlining best practice ./guidance for fundraising consultants.

The Code will cover client acquisition, operational procedures, contracts and fees, confidentiality, legal and tax issues, as well as ethical issues that may arise, including conflicts of interests such as consultants that represent rival charities.

The Institute inviting consultants, lawyers and charity fundraisers that work with consultants to help develop this code by applying to join the working party. The deadline for applications to join the Working Party is 14th October 2005.


The schema for the proposed Code has been published online at the Institute’s website.

The new Code will add to the Institute’s existing suite of over 20 Codes of Fundraising Practice, published online or available in printed copy. The Codes are the best practice standards for UK fundraising. Each Code covers a separate fundraising technique and provides not only information on relevant areas of the law but also the best practice that the fundraising sector has set itself to ensure the highest standards.

