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Essential guidance on being a trustee

Howard Lake | 10 June 2005 | News

The Charity Commission has published a new free guide on the duties and responsibilities of being a trustee.

“The Essential Trustee: What You Need To Know” is the first in a new series of publications from the Charity Commission. It replaces the previous document CC3, Responsibilities of Charity Trustees.

Working with the Commission’s recently established Customer Network, this new publication has been developed using plain language and bright colours which highlight both legal requirements and recommended best practice. It is written in everyday language and has received the Plain Language Commission’s Clear English Standard.


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Rosie Chapman, Director of Policy and Strategy, said: “The Essential Trustee is a valuable ‘can do’ guide for trustees. It is fitting that we should be publishing this ./guidance today when the Charities Bill receives its second reading in the House of Lords.”

