Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

UK Fundraising News about to reach 10,000 subscribers

Howard Lake | 3 February 2005 | News

The next edition of UK Fundraising News, this site’s free fortnightly email newsletter, will mark the fifth anniversary of the publication, and, we believe, be sent to 10,000 subscribers for the first time.

The free email newsletter offers an easy way to keep up to date with the new information added daily to the site. As well as the news, it includes all current job vacancies, latest books, and the most recent discussions on the UK Fundraising Forum. It also frequently features commercial adverts from a wide range of organisations offering products or services for fundraisers.

The newsletter subscriber base continues to grow rapidly. Just over a year ago, it was around the 6,200 level, so we have achieved a 61% growth rate in this, UK Fundraising’s 10th year of operation.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

To be clear, these are live and current subscriptions. If we receive two bounces or undelivered messages from a subscriber they are removed from the distribution list. As such, we remain confident that this is the largest and most current email distribution list of fundraisers and related staff in the UK.

If you haven’t yet subscribed, do sign up today and help us reach that 10,000 target.

