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Tony Poderis on the fundraising responsibilities of trustees

Howard Lake | 21 September 2004 | News

American fundraising consultant Tony Poderis believes that an organisation’s trustees must take responsibility for fundraising “by giving and getting most of the money” that the organisation requires.

Tony expands on his argument in the latest article on his long-running and advice-packed Web site raise-funds.com. He asks the question “Who Should Raise The Money
From Within Your Organisation?” In short, it is the trustees, and not just the salaried fundraisers.

He asks the question because “in recent years I have seen more and more non-profit organisations place the burden for fundraising gift solicitation on the shoulders of executive directors and development staff.” This has lead many of these organisations to experience “many serious and damaging consequences”, in his view.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Trustees “should not expect, or demand, that others do what is their job”, he argues.

