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Stoneshot offers model on promoting events online

Digital agency Stoneshot have published a helpful tip sheet on how to promote events online.

The model can be applied to any kind of event, including fundraising events, and includes advice for international, national and online-only events. It breaks down the communications process down into four sections: The Informer, The Teasers, The Final Reminder and The Follow-Up.

While much of this will appear to be commonsense, it is nevertheless helpful to have a tip sheet like this available. Too often events management can fail because of insufficient planning or poor execution of communications. This is particularly the case with online communications.


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

So, if you’re planning to use online tools to promote an upcoming event, run through Stoneshot’s advice to check you’ve covered all the issues.

The agency requires you to register your details before letting you view the document.

