Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

BLF beats income targets for in memoriam campaign in three months

In just three months of testing its new Tribute Giving programme, developed with In Memoriam fundraising specialists ‘Our Lasting Tribute’, The British Lung Foundation has had over 50 Tribute Funds set up and raised £39,000.

“The take up of our tribute funds has been phenomenal. It’s way ahead of my targets and expectations. And we haven’t even rolled it out to our regional offices and Breathe Easy groups yet!”, says Richard Yorke, from British Lung Foundation’s direct marketing and donor development unit.

“Our star fundraiser is a man called Barry. Barry lost his wife to lung cancer before Christmas. He decided to set up a Breath of Life Fund to keep her memory alive and to support our work to help others in her situation. He’s already raised over £16,000. £10,000 of that has come from a WI-style calendar of him and his male mates totally nude – their modesty barely concealed by the strategic placement of newspapers, sofas and in Barry’s case a pneumatic drill. He’s also persuaded 50 of his female friends to run the Flora Light for us. With motivation and dedication like that I can easily see Barry breaking the £50,000 figure this year.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

John Grain, Managing Director of Our Lasting Tribute, said: “This fantastic result just goes to show how motivated people can be when fundraising in memory of someone they love. British Lung Foundation have now got an excellent programme that really meets donors’ needs and clearly demonstrates the massive potential of this largely untapped source of fundraising income.”

Our Lasting Tribute is direct marketing and fundraising agency Whitewater’s in memoriam product which has been adopted by over 30 UK charities in its first year.

