SMS Aid to claim Gift Aid on behalf of charity clients

Howard Lake | 26 November 2003 | News

SMS Aid Limited has been granted permission by the Inland Revenue to claim the tax rebates on donations made under the Gift Aid scheme on behalf of charities using their mobile phone fundraising initiative.

SMS Aid Limited is a private company that owns an opt-in, profiled database of UK mobile phone owners. Their income comes from advertisers who pay them to send relevant SMS text messages promoting their products and services to those phone owners.

In return for bringing new mobile owners to their database, charities are paid 10p for each new mobile owner introduced and 5pfor every message SMS Aid send to each of those phones.


Phone owners can either be paid 5p to receive each message, or they can choose to donate that payment, under the Gift Aid Scheme where appropriate.

“We are one of just a handful of companies that are allowed to reclaim the tax rebates on behalf of charities”, said Tony Price, founder and Managing Director of SMS Aid. “It has taken us some time to achieve this, but it demonstrates our commitment to offering UK registered charities an additional revenue stream, free of charge”.

