Local events fundraising book now available
‘Tried and Tested Ideas for Local Fundraising Events’ by Sarah Passingham has been published by the Directory of Social Change.
The new book offers a practical guide to PTAs, youth groups, clubs, charities and anyone wishing to raise money in their community. It is full of ideas and essential information on organising local fundraising events.
The book covers:
- choosing your event
- deciding where and when it should take place
- committees and constitutions
- detailed plans for 26 money-spinning ideas that really work
- 26 further quick and easy fundraising ideas
- attracting your audience
- using publicity wisely
- financial and legal aspects of local charitable activities
- the role of the police and your local authority
- safety issues on and off site
- catering regulations
- advice on everything from tickets to litter bins…
The book costs £14.95 and can be ordered from the Directory of Social Change or via Amazon.co.uk.