The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Software companies to merge

Howard Lake | 30 September 2003 | News

Software companies Systems Team and Minerva Computer Systems are merging.

The West Country organisations specialise in Contact Relationship Management software for the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, particularly professional membership organisations and charities.

Systems Team Directors, Geoff Iles and Colin Black, said: “We are delighted that we have joined forces with Minerva. Our main focus is in the Membership and commercial sector and Minerva have experience in
the membership and charity sector so we make a great team.”


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They added that they believed the new combined business “will become the largest, most profitable and significant group in the Membership and Charities (NFP) Sector.”

The two companies use common technology. Both Minerva’s Charisma system and Systems Team’s Profile Concept CRM software are Oracle based.

Their joint solutions cover wide aspects of not-for-profit organisations’ needs, ranking from tracking those attending seminars and registering examinations, to processing transactions and Web portals for online communities. Each of the CRM Systems is built around a central database and add on modules are tailored to suit individual client needs.

Technology consultant Peter Flory of
Athena Consultants commented: “This kind of
consolidation in the market place should be
good for the user community, and in this case, the fact that Minerva can now focus solely on the charity market is bound to have a positive impact on their Charisma Fundraising software”.

Systems Team and Minerva will continue to operate from Bristol and Cheltenham.

