Nochex raises funds for RSPCA

Howard Lake | 12 August 2003 | News

E-mail payment system NOCHEX is accepting online donations for RSPCA this month.

Following its success with encouraging its users to donate online to Comic Relief and Samaritans, NOCHEX is hosting an online appeal in aid of the RSPCA.

A message to users this morning announced the appeal and encouraged them to give: “There are lots of you out there that have a few ‘forgotten’ pennies in your NOCHEX account, so don’t just leave them there to gather dust, now you can put them to a good cause!”


The e-mail announcement pointed out that non-NOCHEX clients could also be persuaded to give. “The links contained within this e-mail can be used to donate money regardless of whether or not you have a NOCHEX account. As such you can forward this email on to anyone that you think might like to donate.”

This serves as a reminder that online credit and debit cards are not the only ways to accept donations online. Micropayments, e-mail payments, and online billing are just some of the other options.

