100% of proceeds to charity from two online malls

Howard Lake | 15 February 2000 | News

Two shopping malls designed to benefit charities have each promised to give 100% of all their proceeds to the beneficiary charities.

Two shopping malls designed to benefit charities have each promised to give 100% of all their proceeds to the beneficiary charities. 4charity.com is run by two Stanford MBA graduates. They expect to fund the site by selling backbone IT services to non-profits and for-profits. In fact UK Fundraising first announced 4charity.com back in March 1999.

ProductRange is a new UK service that offers an unusually wide range of online shops and says that it is “the only UK Shopping portal who donate 100% of commission income to your favourite charity.”


Read about 4charity.com at Shopping for a Better World by Joyce Slaton at Wired and read UK Fundraising’s list of charity shopping malls.

