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Voluntary Sector Unions

Howard Lake | 19 January 1999 | News

Fundraisers in a variety of charities and voluntary groups are members of trade unions. Two of the most popular voluntary sector unions are T&G ACTS and MSF. T&G ACTS represents workers throughout the social economy. The union is there to defend and enhance job security, pay and conditions of work.

Fundraisers in a variety of charities and voluntary groups are members of trade unions. Two of the most popular voluntary sector unions are T&G ACTS and MSF. T&G ACTS represents workers throughout the social economy. The union is there to defend and enhance job security, pay and conditions of work. T&G ACTS also strives with social economy organisations to advance common aims for social justice. MSF says that it is formally recognised in more leading voluntary organisations than any other staff representative body. It is the only union that gives free membership to volunteers who work alongside employed staff.


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