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Update on Amnesty Internet affinity programme

Howard Lake | 12 September 1998 | News

UK Fundraising reported last month on Amnesty International UK’s new affinity scheme for Internet access. Amnesty has now dropped the price to £11.66 per month (£140 per year) for unlimited Internet access. It receives £15 for every new subscription plus £1 per month from each subscription fee.

According to Third Sector (1 October 1998, p.6) it hopes to raise £105,000 from subscriptions in the first year. Corporate and affinity marketing manager Rupert Watts aims to sign up 5% of the AIUK membership. This confident approach is based on research that found that AIUK members’ profile matched that of regular Internet users: they tended to be professional, have a high-income, be urban, read broadsheet newspapers, and be young and male.


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