Getting started with Bluesky for charities

Direct Connection and charities

Howard Lake | 17 July 1998 | News

Internet Service Provider Direct Connection’s founder Ben Knox is profiled in this month’s Internet Business magazine. The article highlights Direct Connection’s charitable ethos. “The company’s sponsorship scheme aims to encourage diversity on the Internet by helping bodies not traditionally associated with technology – such as the English National Ballet – exploit the medium.”

In addition, “Direct Connection is also active in helping non-profit organisations utilise the potential of the Internet, sponsoring the Internet facilities of The Terence Higgins Trust and the NSPCC. Direct Connection also sponsored the first guide to fundraising on the Internet and runs affinity schemes that generate income for its affiliated charities.”
That guide was of course Direct Connection’s guide to Fundraising on the Internet, written by UK Fundraising’s founder Howard Lake.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

