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How to run for charity

Howard Lake | 1 May 2012

How to Run for Charity | How to find the perfect charity run for you

First of all, find out when different organisations host these events in your area throughout the year. In most cities, you will have different events run by different charitable organisations, and you may be interested in running for more than one charity. The best thing to do would be to get information on all of the different charity runs that go on throughout the year, find out information about each charity, and decide which ones you want to take part in. That will give you an idea of how to plan your runs throughout the year. Are you a summer runner or are you just as happy running in the rain?

Of course, you are going to need to be in shape if you are expecting to last for a long time during your charity run. Doing exercises before and eating right before your run can help to get you in good physical shape for the run. Keep in mind that many charity run events are set up on a per mile basis, so for every mile you go, the more money you make for the charity, and so you are going to want to be sure that you are in good shape so that you can run right past the finishing line.

Donations are another important aspect to just about every charity run event. Because a charity run is not free to participate, you are going to need to get donations from people who will sponsor you in the event, and this is how most people go about making money for the charity that they are running for. Family, friends, and co-workers can help you get donation… even social media helps these days like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

These are just a few things that you need to keep in mind when you are considering running for a charity. Of course, regardless of what you do for charity, no matter how big or how small, it’s all still a great help that is going to a great cause to benefit those who are less fortunate than others. Consider running for charity and help other people out, while getting in shape and enjoying a great day out as well.


How to Run for a Charity: Call 0845 094 8033 now

