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Giveonthemobile and Playmob chosen for Wonga Future 50

Howard Lake | 15 November 2012 | News

Two charity mobile fundraising providers have been chosen in the Wonga Future 50, which highlights the "50 young UK companies triggering change in their markets".

The 50 companies were chosen following six months of research by Real Business, the network for high-growth businesses and entrepreneurs.

Polestar Digital Media were chosen for their Giveonthemobile product, which lets people make donations of up to £10,000 to any charity via SMS, using PayPal. It has a Gift Aid declaration facility, and lets charities push news to their donors on a daily basis. It also includes a QR code scanner.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Real Business commented: "Justgiving.com made a huge impact on charity fundraising. Might giveonthemobile.com do the same?"

Playmob combines online gaming with charitable giving, linking in-game purchases to charitable donations. Real Business commented: "The brilliance of the idea brought Ian Livingstone (life president of Lara Croft maker Eidos Games) as chairman".


