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Two trustee vacancies at the Institute of Fundraising

The Institute of Fundraising has announced two vacancies on its trustee board and is inviting members to consider standing for election to the posts.
John Baguley has come to the end of his term of office and Tanya Steele has been nominated by the Board for re-election. Nominations for the positions are due by midday on 28 May 2012, and the new trustees will be announced at the Institute’s AGM on 3 July at the National Convention.

Who should become a trustee?

The two positions are open to any member from Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
The Institute suggests putting yourself forward “if you have strong and clear ideas about how your profession should be developed”.
The current trustees feel that ethnic diversity on the Board could be improved and the following groups are under represented on the board:
* Professionally qualified people in specialist areas such as law and accountancy
* Experience of small to medium charities
*Experience of professional bodies
The nomination form can be downloaded from the Institute’s website.


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