Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Guinness heiress calls for more charity support

Howard Lake | 28 September 2009 | News

A Guinness heiress has called on Irish companies to mirror the brewing family’s spirit and fund hospitals, schools and small businesses hit by the recession.

Joining the 250-year celebrations at St James’s Gate, Jasmine Guinness, 32, the great granddaughter of the last family director, said now was the time for the more fortunate to show their charity.

Guinness Toucan, Guinness Storehouse, Dublin
Photo: Guinness Toucan, Guinness Storehouse, Dublin by HowardLake on Flickr.com.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

“It’s a very good reason to go to the pub and raise a pint and raise money for charity as well. Just drive around Dublin and see the parks, hospitals and schools and everything they [the Guinness family] built.

“I think more employers should be like Guinness’s as they were. That’s the legacy, the legacy of charity.”

Guinness has pledged €6 million to help fund local community programmes as part of the drinks celebrations. A campaign was run earlier in the summer which urged people to sign Guinness posters as part of a marketing strategy linked to the community fund.


