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TRAID opens sustainably designed charity shop

Melanie May | 25 August 2020 | News

TRAID has opened a sustainably designed charity shop in London’s Lewisham, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions, pollution and energy use wherever possible.
The shop is TRAID’s twelfth, and integrates sustainability in its design and build to include recycled mannequins, non-solvent paints, the use of sustainable materials such as cork and bamboo, green energy, LED lighting and reclaimed window glass and steel.
TRAID Lewisham also does not sell plastic bags, with the rest of the charity’s shops set to follow suit once existing stocks run out.  TRAID has now reopened all of its charity shops following lockdown.
Since launching in 1999, TRAID has diverted over 170,000,000 garments from landfill by collecting, reusing and reselling them.
Commercial Director Enedina Columbano said:

“In our newest charity shop, the design and build of the shop itself reflects our work on sustainability, reuse and fashion, from using 100% low energy lightning and renewable energy to using sustainable and reclaimed materials wherever possible.”

She added:


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

“We’re delighted to safely welcome our customers back into our TRAID’s charity shops. The response has been very positive and after being denied access to our local high streets for so long, many are reminded what an important resource they are. Not just for shopping, but also for connecting with our friends, neighbours and communities.”

Main image: TRAID Lewisham ©Leigh McAlea


