Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Fundraising Regulator to name organisations under investigation from March

Melanie May | 26 November 2018 | News

The Fundraising Regulator is to name organisations in all investigations into complaints from 1 March 2019, it has announced.

It is introducing the new approach to bring additional transparency to its role when investigating complaints from the public. The Fundraising Regulator will also highlight the cases in which a complaint is made about a particular charity and is not upheld, due to the investigation having found the organisation to be acting appropriately and complying with the Code of Fundraising Practice.

This change in policy has been decided by the Fundraising Regulator’s Board. It agreed that the naming process will help promote and support a culture of transparency and ethical fundraising, and will also help ensure that donors and potential donors can make informed decisions about how they donate to charities.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The new policy will only apply to organisations under investigation from 1 March 2019 and the Fundraising Regulator will not be naming organisations retrospectively.

When a breach of the Code is found, it will continue to share the findings of its investigation with the organisation before they are published.

As is current policy, people who make complaints will not be named.

Gerald Oppenheim, Chief Executive, said:

“A transparent approach means donors can fully consider who they wish to donate to. When we publish our decisions, we will clearly recognise the organisations that have cooperated fully with our investigations and used it as an opportunity to reflect on how they carry out their fundraising efforts.

“We are confident that the change in the way we approach investigations will encourage organisations to scrutinise their fundraising efforts more closely to ensure they meet the standards required of them.”


