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Over 100 local charities apply to be Thames Valley law firm’s charity of the year

Thames Valley solicitors firm Blandy & Blandy LLP has been “overwhelmed” by the response from local charities seeking its support.
Over 100 charities have applied to be one of the two charities that the firm will partner with for a two year period, starting in July 2018. Applications are now closed.
The company’s current charity partners are Reading Samaritans and Twyford-based Daisy’s Dream. By the end of the current partnership the company will have donated over £35,000 to the two charities since 2016.
In previous years it has supported causes including Thames Valley Air Ambulance, Berkshire Vision, Camp Mohawk and Younger People with Dementia.
Marketing Manager David Lamont, chair of the firm’s corporate social responsibility committee, said: “The overwhelming response we have received further highlights the growing need local charities have for support from businesses… Blandy & Blandy is proud to support local charities and events, through fundraising, sponsorship, volunteering and other means.”
A campaign was launched last autumn to encourage local charities to apply, with over 100 charities having now contacted the firm.
Staff at the firm will vote on the list in April to select the two charity partners.

Other fundraising

The firm also continues to support a wide range of charitable events, including the Reading Santa Race, the Reading Legal Walk and the Reading Pancake Race, which the firm won in February this year.



Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

