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Burnett Works to develop legacy campaign for Sense

Howard Lake | 18 May 2005 | News

Full service direct marketing agency Burnett Works has been appointed by deafblindness charity Sense to develop a legacy giving programme.
Following a successful test mailing to active donors last year, the campaign has been developed around the theme of enabling deafblind children to connect with the world around them. The campaign will target both existing and new supporters through a variety of media, including direct mail, posters and leaflets.
The new materials use case studies of individual children and adults to encourage the reader to empathise with the difficulty they experience in communicating and to introduce people to the ways in which Sense can support them.
A closely targeted mailing to 16,000 current and lapsed givers will be followed by a fulfilment brochure which details different types of gift and how legacies are used by Sense. In addition, a series of posters and take-one leaflets are being used to recruit new pledges from the wider public. These will be available through solicitors’ offices, Sense shops, events and conferences.

sense_legacyleaflet_200505.pdf 170.8 KB


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

