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Neuro Foundation launches fun run to inspire student participation

Melanie May | 29 January 2018 | News

The Neuro Foundation is targeting university students with the launch of Runderpants: a new student fun run.
The Runderpants Mile event asks university students to raise funds for the The Neuro Foundation by running a mile in special Runderpants™ underwear, which they will receive when they sign up.
The charity is currently collaborating with RAG teams from five universities across the country: Bangor University, University of Cambridge, Durham University, Falmouth University and Imperial College London. The teams are helping to organise and market the Runderpants Mile in their towns, with events expected to take place in each one during February and March.
The Runderpants™ brand creation was a pro-bono project with branding agency, The Specialist Works, while Oddballs Ltd has produced the underwear and the event has received corporate sponsorship from Boohoo.com. The Neuro Foundation has also partnered with Blackbaud Inc.’s everydayhero platform to create a seamless fundraising experience for student participants.
Brendan Rodgers, Operations and Marketing Manager, The Neuro Foundation, said:

“For us, Runderpants™ isn’t just about creating a new income stream for the charity, it’s about promoting body positivity, and offering a gateway event to sports. We know most people can run a mile, so it’s just a case of seeing who’s prepared to give it a shot! We are also very excited to be getting to know the student fundraising community better. If you ever want to be inspired for the future of this world, chat to the RAG teams at any given university; their drive, aspiration and informed approach has confirmed what we suspected; students are shockingly underestimated by the charity sector.”



Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.


