Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Free help offered with charity communications

Melanie May | 12 September 2017 | News

Cardiff University’s Communicating Causes course is offering charities free help with their communications.
Communicating Causes students are offering to come up with creative ideas for a range of communications challenges, such as new campaign ideas, ways to reach specific audiences, and strategy updates.
Briefs need to be submitted by 20 September, and if your project is chosen, students on the Communicating Causes course at Cardiff University will spend eight weeks during October and November 2017 working on a strategy and sample content.
The charity will be sent the whole package once completed and nothing will be made public without permission. The resulting work will be free to use, with no obligation to do so.
Cardiff University just asks for reasonably prompt responses to two-three emails in October for clarifications and further information on the brief, and some feedback on the final package in January.



Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

