Foundation announces new funding programme

Howard Lake | 22 May 2007 | News

The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland has opened a new grants programme which will support smaller charities over a six year period. Up to £2 million has been earmarked for ‘Creating Change’ for organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000.

The Foundation’s Creating Change has two main target areas — Social and Community Needs and Education and Training. Under Social and Community Needs a wide range of projects are eligible which broadly reflect the Foundation’s general grant giving. Education and Training will focus on employment schemes and life skills.

Funding is available for up to 6 years at tapered levels, with the maximum for each organisation of £100,000 over the 6 years. A maximum of 60% is allowed for salaries in any one year.


The deadline for applications is 7th September 2007, with successful applicants notified in December. The Foundation’s standard grants programme will continue alongside Creating Change, with the next deadline 6th July.

