Lottery to review Reaching Communities

Howard Lake | 29 April 2007 | News

The Big Lottery Fund has begun a review of the Reaching Communities Northern Ireland programme. Reaching Communities makes grants to voluntary and community-led organisations and have about £18 million available for this programme between 2006 and 2009.

BIG says the aim of the review is to make improvements to the programme and ensure that the most effective use of available resources. It will also ensure that it will successfully meet the outcomes of the programme.

In order to complete the review and implement any necessary changes, Big Lottery Fund has decided to reschedule the application deadlines. There will now no longer be a September 2007 deadline and this will be moved to January 2008. The deadlines of May 2008 and September 2008 will remain the same.


The Fund says it will be in a position to implement and communicate the proposed changes to the programme in early September 2007 and will deliver briefings on any programme changes that arise from the review process.

This extension will give potential applicants time to read the revised ./guidance and submit an outline proposal form, get feedback and submit full applications for the January 2008 deadline.

Reaching Communities awards grants from £100,000 to £500,000.

