Rowntree Trust annouces guidelines for Ireland

Howard Lake | 27 February 2007 | News

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust has revealed revised guidelines for supporting work in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The focus will be on equality and human rights, with deadlines of 19th March and 20th August.

Rowntree says it will fund work that:
— Promotes dialogue
— Encourages co-operation across religious, racial and political divides
– -Addresses poverty and social exclusion.

JRCT says it takes no position on the constitutional arrangements within the island, but recognises the strong historical, cultural and practical links between Britain, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.


The Trust is interested in funding work which:
–addresses the root causes of violence and injustice, rather than alleviating symptoms;
–cannot be funded from other sources;
–is likely to make a long-term, strategic difference.

Applications will be accepted from organisations in either the Republic or Northern Ireland or joint applications.

Rowntree advice that it would be helpful if applications arrive well before the deadline whenever possible otherways the application may be held over until the next round.

